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"A person who campaigns vigorously for change."
I'm a homeschool Mom who loves Jesus, and wants to bring my son alongside me to learn what it means to truly love others, work hard and take care of all that he's been given. We focus on character, service and homesteading skills, while celebrating the wonderous creation God gave us in the natural world.
This is my calling.
4 years ago, I went through conventional cancer treatments that have wracked my body with debilitating side effects. Since then, I've used food as medicine to heal and prevent. I've studied homeopathy as a way to communicate with our bodies when symptoms do develop, and am dedicated to finding non-toxic, chemical-free ways to do everything. No one should have to suffer the way I have.
This is my gift.
Would you like to run a successful business, maintain your integrity and maybe even leave the world a little better than you found it? I use my extensive marketing and public relations powers "for good." Marketing your brand is all about inciting action to drive your business. There are ways to do that while helping your customers and being responsible with your resources.
This is my passion.
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